So there is no way I'm going out with this guy but I couldn't help myself from sharing him with the rest of you.
So I'm online talking to one of my girl friends when I get a message asking if I wanted to accept a message from McLuvin (there are more letters and numbers in there but out of concern for his privacy I have left them out). I'm thinking, okay. WTF? So I accept it and find out it is one of the guys from an online dating site that I haven't talked to in over a week. He's persistent. Okay. Fine.
He actually asked me if his screen name was corny. Oh course it is fool, (only a 12 year old boy would pick that as a screen name) but I tell him I think it is funny, which it is. McLuvin proceeds to tell me that I'm the only person he has talked to so far. How sweet. An Internet dating virgin. Poor kid. Is he in for some rude awakenings or what? I remember my first time....but that is a story for another day.
Okay. So we are chatting and he seems sweet until I learn that he has stalker like tendencies. He swears up and down that he has seen me before in at least one of the places that I frequent. I tell him he must be mistaken. He says that I'm wrong and that he knows he has seen me around town before. I tell McLuvin I'm pretty good with faces and that I don't ever remember seeing him before.
He finally lets that go and tells me he has something he wants to be up front about. I'm scared at this point. I have a very over active imagination and there are all kinds of scenarios running thru my head. He's gotten two DUI's within the past two years. Okay fine. Everyone makes mistakes and it can really happen to anyone. Then he goes on to say that he won't go out anymore unless he has a DD lined up for the night or knows that someone will come and get him. I ask him if he ever just goes out for a drink and stops at one or two. Can you guess what his answer is? He answers no. End of conversation.
Not going down that path again. That's one of those mistakes that I've actually learned from and don't wish to repeat. Now all I have to do is let him down gently. I'm not very good at letting people down gently. Does a member of the A-Team (you know which one you are) want to take a crack at this for me?
The HOA really hates us, I think.
6 days ago
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