So 2007 was a bit of a crapshoot when it came to dating. Not to say that I didn't date but nothing went over too well.
First let's take a look at June and meeting Harley.
Harley was/is a bartender/server at one of the local restaurants here in Cincy. It was a Friday night and I didn't really want to go out but was forced to by a friend of mine. Boy am I glad I did. I meet Harley, he gets us good and toasted, and I give him my number. He calls me that night (granted it was like 2am but still) and we set up a date for the next day. He picks me up on his Harley. That's right kids, a Harley. I am a sucker for bikes. They make me hot. I want to be a bike bitch so bad but back to my story. He picks me up at noon and we cruise, grab lunch and ice cream, and get back to my house at 4. Mom and neighbor are outside pretending to wash said neighbors car just to be there when I got home. Nosy bitches, but I love them.
So for the next week Harley is at my house everyday. Calling/texting when he isn't there. The only thing that sucks is he is leaving for vacation and will be gone for a week. Whatev. I can deal. He leaves and I hear from him a few times. Ok. He's on vacation. Just because he said he would talk to me everyday doesn't mean that he has to. The weekend before he is due to come home I get this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something isn't right. Everyone is telling me not to worry but I feel otherwise.
Monday morning, two weeks after meeting, Harley is home and I still haven't heard from him. Weird. So I check his myspace page. "In a relationship" WTF? With who? It sure as heck isn't me. So I send him a text and learn that he got together with a girl who lives in/around the same city as his mother in GA. You have got to be kidding me. Thanks for nothing myspace. Oh well. It was only two wasted weeks. I wasn't about to waste my time being angry so I deleted his number and moved on.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
6 days ago
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