So this morning I stopped at the Starbucks in the Kroger by my house on my way to work. I order and am standing off to the side when two men come and get into line. One is younger, late 20's/early 30's, and the other guy is older. If I had to guess I would say mid 40's. Well the older guy comes over to me and strikes up a conversation; asking me why there are no samples out. I laugh and tell him I don't know. So we start talking about the different Starbucks in the area and he said he just came from the one a few miles away. I start laughing and ask him if he was really hitting up two in one morning. He smiles and says yep. Big Pop-pa then proceeds to knuckle pound me. Seriously. My coffee is taking forever to make and he talks to me the entire time. It was sweet and made me giggle.
So last night. I was going out to dinner with a bunch of women that I am friends with. We all meet up once a month; it's great fun. This month the eatery just happened to be the place where Harley works. I know the way that the universe works and just knew that he would be there. I make sure that I look super cute. Not only is he there but he is our server. What have I done to deserve this? Nothing. I'm an adult and I can handle this but talk about awkward.
The ladies that I'm out with all know about him. They engage me in conversation every time he comes to the table. Asking about guys that I'm seeing, talking to, etc. It's quite funny. Every time that Harley walks by he stares at me and smiles. I of course ignore him but the women around me notice it. They get real defensive and say that he had two chances and blew them and if he was smart he wouldn't be acting like a 3rd grader with a crush around me. He was jumping up and hitting the lights as he walked by. "Ooh look at me. I'm a big strong man. I can jump and hit the lights that are hanging from the ceiling." Seriously. The two ladies sitting closest to me wanted to pull him aside and tell him he was acting like a fool. Moms (going out with these women make me feel like I have 13 of them, it's great). Gotta love them. Whatever.
I didn't talk to him except for when it was necessary but I wasn't mean. I was super polite. I even made sure that no one stiffed him on a tip. I didn't want to be that bitch. So we agree on where we are going to meet next month, and everyone leaves. I'm sitting at home later and my phone starts beeping. Guess who I just got a text from. Yep. I can't believe it. I haven't heard from him in weeks (not that I've wanted to) and just because I wasn't mean to him he thinks it's okay to talk to me. I don't think so. He asks for his movie back. I don't respond. He sends me another text later saying that by not responding he guesses that the answer is no. No fool. You will get your movie back but I don't have to talk to you to do it. I know you work on Thursdays now. Next Thursday I will run by the restaurant and drop it off with a note to make sure he gets it. This will of course be done before he gets to work. I have nothing else to say to him.
Boys are dumb. Hopefully the ones I've gone out with thus far aren't a good representation of the general population. Is there something tattooed across my forehead that I'm not seeing? And does anyone know where I can get it removed at?
The HOA really hates us, I think.
5 days ago